miércoles, 24 de noviembre de 2010

I like Santiago

I do not like Santiago. I am a boy of Los Andes, a lover of his city. I hate our capital, the streets spewing cars and people always paranoid and angry. If I had to advertise a city, Santiago would not have it. In fact, I would de Los Andes, but never of that horrible concrete jungle who, with love, I call Mierdópolis. Anyway, he asks the class, so I must.

In Santiago, I do not do many activities. Mainly, I go to the supermarket, college, work and home. But my favorite activity is to go to the terminal on Friday afternoon or the day it is. It is time to travel to my beloved city and never see the capital for days. Moreover, the places I visit are not many. The main square is full of thieves, Paseo Ahumada is full of people and in the middle ... Well, the center is the center.

If I had to say things that I find good in Santiago, I would say that when I can, I visit bookstores, La Moneda, go to the movies and see good movies. You can find anything, because it is at your fingertips. I like malls, my college, my campus and cultural centers. But what I like most of Santiago commune in the district are high. What more, my God! Since I am a fan of the Catholic University in football,
I go to San Carlos de Apoquindo Stadium in Las Condes. I am enjoying seeing a place as nice as this, with blond children, three-story houses and four cars of battle and extremely beautiful women. It's wonderful!

However, when eating, Santiago is a great option to do so quickly. Where you can find fast food. If not the supermarket, Chinese food in Providencia Avenue Monckeberg makes delicious fries, plus the Bravissimo ice cream (if called) or places like that. To eat better, the restaurants of the Barrio Brasil satisfy my desire.

My interests in Santiago are few because I find that this city has no culture. It's just repetition of thousands of other things that you do not know. The good thing about is that it serves to buy cheap clothes, as Trustees, have airport and bus terminals, subway to get to "walk" and malls to visit. I would go to the Museum of Contemporary Art, the National Library, the Cine Arte Normandie and theater, along with more football and basketball (only when they play my favorite teams, which together with the UC, are Trasandino and Liceo Mixto, both Los Andes). Spend more time with my family without worrying that assault me or someone yell in your face, or at least have good transport and drivers calm. Something that I do, but much more, no.

Come to Santiago, the place of smog and our beloved capital. The spend well. Are you bored like me, maybe not, but if you want to dance, smoke drugs and have sex, can so ... Unless you're over there

miércoles, 17 de noviembre de 2010

Chile bicentennial year... So, what?

Chile has a birthday every year. But it made the difference. The Sept. 18 held the national bicentennial, when our country celebrated, laughed, cried and set goals for subsequent years. Chilean government spent $69 millions for this fest, where everybody participated in Ramadas, taverns and parties. Some are drunk and fought for days. People of businesses closed for two days and all just steps protested. So, is there been so important to worry about an event, particularly, we celebrate forever? How relevant to celebrate 200 years under conditions in which we live?

Chile has a range of poverty which, while not as high as other countries, reflects the reality of unequal people. It spent millions of dollars on parties, external communication strategies, vision of the country where they invested in form but not substance. The government was responsible for publicizing the bicentennial. Although it was a period full of joy and alcoholism, love and hate, military parades, festivals, kebabs and pies, people are excited about the date and wanted to pass as God intended. At the same time, many poor people lived on the streets in search of the debris that it left them bicentennial.

In many Latin American countries was celebrated bicentennial year: Perú, Colombia, Argentina y México. Our founding fathers found others ways to create a special and united continent. They wanted teach us that everything about this region was our, but, now, each one is separated from de others. Anybody in Chile understand that our country could have celebrating bicentennial year without poverty, social assistance and, principally, achieving to national development through the respect and equality. For example, Chile has 13 per cent about poverty level (more info, check here). Chile had changed. It not like before and all bicentennial year preparative show it.

What good is having a big party if you can not take that money on important issues such as overcoming social problems? The real cause in one celebration is say that something is good, in order, fine. Can you imagine how many things could have been done? Too much!! Well, we wait a Chilean change or Latin American change, where everybody enjoys all together. Tercentenary year should be main goal for what is coming in the future.

miércoles, 10 de noviembre de 2010


Although I don’t read many books for myself –which I want to read–, it like to me. It can be a bit strange what I say, but, I like academics books, that give me to read like homework. When I arrived to university, I don’t liked read. I found that books don’t serve to learn difficult class. I hated it!! However, over the years, books is converted in very important something to me.

I read essay, novels, theory of the mass media, books about analysis of the social communication. It was funny!! Books very interesting for develop my knowledge. In fact, one of my desires is writing a text about it.

Between books I had read I found one that I like too much. It became my favorite book. Politics and Society, by Antonio Gramsci (in the photo), talk about the relationship between State and civil society, place where ideology is manifests. Gramsci notes that the population adds many ways to front at life, always linked to the power of the dominant superstructure. A best seller of the human thought.

But, I began to read when I was a child. Who didn’t read Papelucho? Everyone must to do. It was my first book that I read when I was 6 years old. The Papelucho collection I have completes, because the school demand me. I like it. It’s a great book that students have been neglected by Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings.

World of the books don’t stop. I have two authors that I to consider favorites: Gramsci and Francisco Coloane. I like to read books to Garcia Marquez or José Luis Borges, but, I don’t leave Chile for anything. Francisco Coloane wrote The last sailor boy in the Baquedano, who relates the journey of a child looking for his lost brother in southern Chile. It’s a great book to great Chilean novelist.

Whit them, I can say that books are my life and my passion. To analysis books from little stories, they are a way to express different views of the world. I really enjoy whit them.

miércoles, 3 de noviembre de 2010

Few, but good!!

The enviromentally friendly practices aren´t so relevant for me. But, like a few Chilean boys, I try to protect my world. And I say few, because I think there aren´t enough instances where people can learn these practices.

If the Chilean people want to learn about it, they must read newpapers, watch specialized TV shows, listen to the radio and, principally, research by Internet. It´s very difficult, almost impossible, to find these practices in schools, because I believe that we need a change of perspective about the situation. For example, there are few universities where they teach us ways to improve the environment.

I had incorporated recycling in my habits. I try to use just one bag when I go shopping or buy something, I occupy twice or many times anything that I can use. In my family, my mom fixes utensils to prevent throwing them away before the time. Also, for not contaminating, in Santiago I live near the university, so always I walk to come to class. In Los Andes, I do the same, more there, because it is a little city. My parents too. When we can, we use the bike.

Althought I want to help the environment, I am not a member of eco-organizations. I think that if someone wants to join these causes, they should join with responsability and not half way. Also, I don´t believe them. Don´t ask me why, but I believe that people can do something very important about environment without being part of these organizations.

More than plantings trees or belong to eco-organizations, I would like to propose forms to environmental care. Always we see how the people burn forests and kill animals, even ourselves throw away garbage in the streets and nobody does anything!! There is where we must put our hands and change the world.

However, to reduce my carbon footprint, I walk, I turn off the light when I don´t use it, I try not to contaminate. But, our society and, specially, Santiago, need to learn more about it. For that, I request that all channels and
the government turn this issue into a national issue.

lunes, 1 de noviembre de 2010

Chelsea's Zhirkov eager to punish Spartak for goal dig

Chelsea want to classify as quickly as possible to the second rums of the UEFA Champions League. Next wednesday, the London team will face against Spartak Moscow on a new date in group F.

This match will be important for Yuri Zhirkov, Chelsea`s Russian defense. He start his career in CSKA, rival team of Spartak of Moscow.
Has always been with the team by identifying, so this game will be taken as a personal battle.

Zhirkov made it 2 -0 at Moscow´s Luzhniki stadium, his first goal since moving to Stamford Brifge in July 2009.
This caused that Spartak's billionaire owner Leonid Fedun to quip: "Zhirkov shoots like this once every five years. Unfortunately, it happened in our match".
For that, Zhirkov responded with tranquility: "I've read these comments by Mr Fedun and want to prove him that he really underestimates me".

Like he´s a defense, it is very difficult to make goals for his team. However, that does not stop to make the score when his team needed. Generally, the goals of the defenses are headers, but Zhirkov converted from the corner, shooting him one of the best date.

The next match will be playing in London, in the afternoon. The "blues" must win the match to can near to the classify, because Chelsea have 9 points and Spartak is a second place with 6. If Chelsea reach the three points, would be the first team of the group F in the Champios League. If you want know more information, go to this link.

Kusturica and Miyazaki

One time I was reading one text by Slavok Sizek about culture serbia and the multiculturalism. There appeared one movie that Sizek analyzed: "Underground", by Emir Kusturica. I start my search about this film director and I found "The Time of the Gypsies". It was the more great and fantastic movie that I watched.

This movie told the story about a gypsy family from Yugoslavia, full of magical powers, which occupy a series to address social problems living belong to one of the poorest areas of the site. Like never I´ve seen, this movie entertained me much and with it I learned that the movies were my thing, especially Kusturica´s films. It was there that I realized that all the movies that there are great achievements, but the art film, it was my passion.

I have my check list of movies that I like it. My first five are: Citizen Kane, Cinema Paradiso, Where is my friend house, Wall-E and The Time of the Gypsies.

However, the films I like are those who talk about culture, identity, things that do not appear in all movies. For example, Europe and Latin America are that I like the way of demonstrating this issue. Join this, one a good movie must work with good colors, pictures and good details.

Between the Asian movies, I like Chihiro, Naucika, Porco Rosso, Ponyo, Totoro and The Mononoke Princess. They are animations by Hayao Miyazaki, my other favorite film director.
Kusturica and Miyazaki could associate, because
together, they will work miracles.

But, althought I don´t think that have bad movies, there films that I don´t like. The terror movies, demoniac and gore movies, don´t like me. I preffer other films that show good stories and not blood. Inside of good movies, they are the so bad movies... You know!!

"Time of the Gypsies" Trailer-1988

The great Doc. Martin

I don´t like many tv shows. In fact, when I do "zapping", sometimes I watch programs like Californication, Dr. House, 24 (all them are so funny!!) But, one day, with my parents, I used the remote control until that we found an a program that like us: Doc Martin.

Doc Martin is a ver flemathic britanic doctor that lives in a little town in England. He meet an pretty teacher called Louisa, who fall in love with him. He is a very unpleasant man, but, even if one don't believe it, he have feelings (hides in his hearth). Louisa and Martin have a love relationship, where each one must to promise eternal love. However, wiht the arrival of a former girlfriend of Martin, things even more worse.

I like it because is a similar TV show than Dr. House. Just that´s an english version. I think that it´s a perfect reflect with them: the english people. So, it´s very funny and "atipic". It is different of other TV shows for many aspects: it show one culture that we don´t know, is a critical program about social and economic level in the country, between others things. The sensation that leave me doesn´t compares with 24 or Fresh Prince, Alf or Disney TV shows, for example... Althought they are differents.

Well, I feel good. Wiht the adventures of Doc. Martin, I found something that I wanted from was a child. I laugh, I enjoy with every silly that say. It´s is a serious TV show, but, is impossible contain one´s laughter. Doc. Martin like us to all family members.

Is obvious that my favorite character is the Doc. Martin, one doctor that nobody would having to visit, but, everybody want having like a friend.
Louisa not be left behind, because besides being cute and sexy, is a great woman.

If you can watch it, tune Film and Arts every wednesday at 11 pm... Soon, the new season!!!


lunes, 27 de septiembre de 2010

Spartacus and the sun beneath the sea

If I must talk about a cartoon, "Spartacus and the sun beneath the sea" is my favourite. When I was a child, between 1994 - 1995, I watched on TV this freak but beautiful cartoon.

Spartacus is a gladiator of the Barkad´s desert, that must save a magic place called Arcadia. Arcadia is almost dead because it needs a special sun to live. Spartacus fights for the life of the sun. He finds good guys: Arkana, Rebecca and Mat. All of them worked together until they had a solution.

Many friends don´t know about it. I watched with my big brother, but, generally alone. I liked it because its story was exciting. "Spartacus and the sun beneath the sea" had a incredible story. I was very young, but I understood everything. It wasn´t a boring cartoon. It mixed mitology, adventures, great draws: it taught us to take care of nature, the simple things. Arcadia was a world that everybody dreamed of.

For me, the best thing that the cartoon had was the spacecraft. Therid was an intelligent blue vehicle that could fly, speak and think. He transported Spartacus and his friends anywhere. He was fantastic!!

Now, there aren´t cartoons like that. Spartacus taught. It was a simple cartoon, but rich like story. Personally, the cartoons died when Captain Planet was over. After of him, everything on TV changed. And changed for bad.

lunes, 30 de agosto de 2010

Serbia and the gipsies

One of the countries that I would like to know, could be Serbia. Really, I like all the balcans countries, but Serbia has something that I love its culture and traditions.

I like Kusturica movies. He´s a bosnian film director and always he shows his culture, the balcanic traditions. When I watch "The Time of the Gypsies", by him, I loved this place and I began to study about it: their political, education norms, and everything.

I would like to know Serbia, because the gypsy culture was born there. It´s a beautiful land. The buildings are old constructions, all perfect and elegant good.

However, after I know the country, I would like to visit the Danubio river. The gypsies live there, in launchs and tents. Who have much money, can own earths and houses around the river, but, everyone lives in extreme poverty.

In Serbia, I will do anything. Principally, I would like to know Belgrad, their capital. I´ll see a Red Star of Belgrad football match. I´ll buy a serbian -croatian dictionary to learn the language. Then, I would like to go where gypsies live. After, I´ll stay with them, trying of learn their traditions. With my family, we´ll travel through all Serbia!!!

More than work, I would like stay to live and investigate something that I like. In Occident, the people don´t know about their culture. For this reason, I ´ll write a serbian culture book for many people will enjoy with the balcans. And also, I´ll try to learn their music, that´s so funny.

lunes, 23 de agosto de 2010

New term in English

The last term of 2010 was very tiring for me. Each class was very difficult, principally "Enfoques Latinoamericanos", where I didn´t have good marks. Well, the university life is this. But, I learned things that I never thought to study, like public relations or organizational communication by profesor Laureano Checa. He´s a litlle bureaucratic for his business, but with him I learned very much. Whatever!! It was a wonderfull experience.
However, like the academic demand didn´t leave me in peace, neither I could do many sports activities. Just on holidays, I played football or basketball with my friends, but for a short time. Between the subjects that I studied, shoot the ball on saturday or sunday without have anything after, it was unbelieveble. In fourth year of Journalism they teach us TV Production, and everyone had that go out to film. That was very tiring, because it demands a lot of time. No rest, no free time, no nothing!! But I survived.
I´m from Los Andes. I traveled almost every day. The problem was that in my city, neither I could have free time.
Now, I have many challenges for this term. The first is to get my Social Comunicator´s degree, so I can do class in the university. After, I want to work in my professional practise... God want that it will be in my dear Los Andes and not here, in Santiasko!!! The second is become a good journalist.
But, the most important is to live in calm with my parents, my litlle cat and everybody happy. They are relevant for me, but without them, I´m nothing. They are sacrifying for me... Now, it´s my turn.

martes, 6 de julio de 2010

Essay "Blog: Creativity"

I have always lived by this quote: “Look to the world with creativity”. Creativity has many options to be expressed. From paintings to pictures, creativity is a way to keep a place in the universe. But, one way to show creativity is writing. Messages or letters, to write is a beautiful way to express anything. For this, the English blogs are very important to bring about the good stories. Writing helps the creation of little worlds that will keep amused and qualified expressions. The technology promote that, to slant of means of comunication´s mass and socials nets like Facebook, Twitter and Blogger.

My first homework in my blog was to talk about me. At the beginning, I found out that writing in a web page was very boring, because I always had thought that talking about oneself isn´t interesting. However, a few days after, I had to make an entrance about my favourite person (Emir Kusturica). My perception changed completly. I understood that, slowly, writing in the English Course blog was something special for me. In a small space, I could express myself with freedom, rising important topics for my development. , Also, writing in my blog developing my english: the practise create the master!!

In a blog you can talk about many topics of your life. In fact, when I did my English mode for the first time, I wanted to take advantage to tell life’s stories. More than speaking about how many hours I had to write or if I like to write or not, the construction of blog allows to satisfy expectations in our life. Writing a blog is inventing a new world, a new tale that keeps creativity alive.

For this reason, each entrance needs a good title and paragraphs that tell ideas, motivations and opportunities to crystallize new topics. By writing blogs, I can open my mind to others areas: I like to talk about my life, my best friend, my favourite person, my family, pleasures and feelings. Creativity allows a new way to look the world when people sit in front of a computer, stare at the screen, and start writing and creating an interesting story.

Opportunities are given and I take advantage of them. I learned how to use a blog, to wrote in it, but it was difficult to speak about myself. My experience in writing a blog helped me in having a small place to express myself. For this reason, my blog is called “The villero”, because I like cumbia (music style). Developing creativity is very easy to do if you work in a blog, like I did.

Blogs simbolyze the creative process.Writing messages in a blog improves creativity. It´s an effective way to stimulate the imagination. I think that creativity is developed. Everybody can use an effective way to reach their goals. This blog is not just a homework, it´s also a great way to stimulate our inspirative process.

domingo, 27 de junio de 2010

Dear Future in the Villero´s heart

Talk about the future is very interesting for me. I have many plans for my life, but not so ambiciuos. In the university, I understand that the life is more than reports, interviews and knowedge. It´s also, something that everybody must enjoy until the end days.
But, the love is a very important topic in my future. I´ll like to have a love partner, find a girlfriend that come with me forever. The marriage is a great idea, because I think that´s a oportunity to grow and to share oor hearts. I never has had a girlfriend, but I want to one.
After, I like have my family with the sons that God want to give me (they are a godsend). In fact, between more childrens, my future will be more funny and beautifull.
I like the childrens... Do you think the same?!!!
In the job, I believe something that is very reasonable: I preffer to be happy that have money. For that, I study Journalism, a career without many job vacancies but I like too much. One begin to grasp that Journalism don´t is just TV or radio, also it´s research, make projects, to learn funny and interesting matters, between others things.
I´ll like to be a great teacher in the university and a goo researchman. I would like the Culture Studies, and I want to take a master in that. The comunications and their theories are my passion. I want to reach an high degree to became a doctor in that, because I think that to analyze and examine what happen in the society, is my stronge. For this, I prepare mi CV and I study and read too much to achieve that.
All this, I do for my family and to me. My parents are very important to my future. I want to have them with life, to get together in our plans.
I don´t care where to work. But, do something for my dear Los Andes, would be great!! I´ll want to live there, or Valdivia (because I like the rain). However, God will know.

jueves, 3 de junio de 2010

The marriage

This photograph was taken by my cousin Perla. She is 20 years old and takes very prety pictures. It shows my parents, my brother with his wife, and me. We were in his house. It was a special day, because my brother was starting new phase in his life, one of the most beautifull events to anyone.
It was taken on last May 22nd, just after the most important bother´s celebration: his marriage!!
He married at 1 pm, in a cloudy day. It was near to rain, but, anything hinder this event.
It was wonderfull. I like it for a simple reason: my family were very happy. Just most watch their faces. For my parents, it was something special, because their firstborn child was married, forever, giving them pride and hope.

The celebration during almost 10 hours, just with the necesary people. I had gone just twice to events like that, because I don´t have the opportunity. My family have more experience in this, but everybody, I thing that is the first time.

I have many pictures to can choose. Perla taken more than 200 photographs. But, in this we were who must were. For this reason, I´d want show it and speake of this. Only missed my cat, Perchan, that obviously can´t to be. I know that it was very cheerful.

It´s a little photograph, but, it says too much. It´s a way to find special familiar events, details to remember beautifull things. My mom almost cry; my dad, the same. This protograph show a magic moment, where everybody forget bad happens.

Maybe, had events or actions that were so bad between us. However, to see how your brother is married with the girl that love him like anything, except my mom, is feel hope, pride, real love.

It´s not a professional picture, but it´s so better. One happy family, haven´t price!!

jueves, 27 de mayo de 2010

Capital Punishment: so Bad!!

For many people, the Capital Punishment is a great solution to reduce criminality in Chile. But, they are wrong. I think that this "law" is an excuse not to improve good policies and to finish with the problem forever. In fact, everybody has a second opportunity in life. Killing will never be a good way to confront delinquency and crime.
For me, this law doesn´t have pros. Only cons. I think that could create many social problems, like freedom to kill, citizen justice ("eye for an eye") and practices out of the legacy. If one guy wants to destroy another guy, with this law could do that.
More than finding the Capital Punishment in jails and accuseds, the governement should worry about the education of these people and also, to promote the mass and low class rights. They are more vulnerables, because anybody had been able to do something. Like nation, we need more public politics to serve for the comunity.
Also, I think that the origin of the increasing criminality of Chile is something that I sayd: the education. If don´t education politics to improve the quality life and teach us to take advantage of develop our country, the people willn´t know what do with their lifes. The robbers need money to life... If the society doesn´t give oportunities for them, what more he can do?
I had been victim of a crime. One day, I went in Transantiago. There were many people. I traveled listen to music when one guy stole my mp3. Was a pick pocketting. He went out so quick, and I couldn´t to do nothing.

lunes, 24 de mayo de 2010

Christmas Day

Christmas day is a beauty moment to enjoy in family. This day, the Catholic people remember the Jesus Christ birthday. We celebrate on 25th of December all together. We wait many weeks to this time. On 24th of December night, my family and I go to mass. Many people get together the peace and love. At church, that´s feel very good, because the faith help to enrich the spirit.
After, we come back at home to have dinner. At midnight, we open the Christmas presents. Later, my brother visit us. We celebrate for a moment, and then we go to bed. Of this way, I spend it my time.
I do that always, every year. In last time wasn´t exception, because I´m very catholic... I don´t shame say that. The mass started at 8 pm. One hour before, my family and I we got ready to the celebration. The mass during almost two hours, and after we returned at home. My mom prepared meat with tomato´s salad. At midnight, we went to living room to see the Christmas presents. We share with our next-door neighbors and we sleep like at 2 am.
I don´t like do anything. I wont change anything. I like it, just like this. To be with my family is the most wonderfull Christmas present that God give me. One year of life for us is the best... I don´t need anymore.

My DVD recorder

I know that this piece don´t is very technologic, but I liked. I´m spoke of my dear DVD recorder. Is a gray metallic box that reproduce movies and CDs. I got to me five years ago, on winter vacations. I remember when I was to buy in Santiago. My family and I traveled to find modern something and we see that. We bought on hire purchase.

It use is very easy. I push the power button. Go out a thing to put the DVD recorder. I push again the same button and the machine reproduce it. After... Enjoy the movie!!!

I use twice a week, because I like watch good films. Without my DVD recorder, I´m not anything. Is my special toy, because I can to admire wonderfull stories and with high quality. Well, better than in computer. Together, we had a really good time.

My life without it, could be bored. Everybody need our relax time, and my DVD recorder with my movies help to make happy me.

I know that no movies, no DVD recorder. But, is my favorite moment when I´m alone or with people that I love. Also, I like watch movies the most quality posible. In a computer, this don´t happen, because show small things and the vision is tired.

jueves, 6 de mayo de 2010

My best Friend: Juanito

My best friend´s name is Juan Contreras. He lives in the Rene Schneider neighbourhood, one of the most dangerous places from Los Andes. I met him in a camp, three years ago. He´s another friend´s cousin, called Diego Mena, who also came with us. "Juanito", like we call him, is a good friend, modest and I feel pride when he is with me.
Although he is 24 years old and I´m only 20, I consider that Juan is like a big brother, a very important person to my familiy and to me, because he always keeps me company to every place. When I can go out, we get together in a Los Andes square, play footbal or go to the parties. Thanks to him, I had met many people and I had learned about many events that have helped me to grow. Also, the relationship with my parents is amazing, because "Juanito" is a healthy boy: He has everything to be a drug addict, but he isn´t.
The best memory that I have with him is when we met in his neighbourhood at night. We got together with other friends. Rene Schneider is a place that I have always wanted to know, but at daylight. It was a scary moment, because some drug-dealers looked at us. I really liked it, it was excitting. This was the most stupid thing that I have ever done. There were some probems, but, the situation was very funny.
I enjoy with "Juanito", because he is with me in the good and bad moments, like a best friend.

jueves, 29 de abril de 2010

Emir Kusturica: a crazy gypsy

Emir Kusturica is a famous film director that works with topics about identity, gypsye culture and the war betwen Croatia and Bosnia or Serbia in the comunist age. He was born in Yugoslavia in 1954, and he studied in the Academy of Interpretativs Arts of Praga, in 1978. He has many prices, between their: Phillipe Rottier, Cannes to best film and National Education from France. His movies do refference to Balcanic population, principally, the gypsyes and musulmans. Their develops very important areas concerning music and beautiful scenes, which have a good picture and composition. Goran Bregovic make all the songs. Both, created the band called "No Smoking Orquestra".

The most important movies are "The Time of the Gypsyes" (1989), "Underground" (1995), "Black Cat White Cat" (1998), "The Life is a Myracle" (2004) and "Promess me"(2007). Also, Kusturica to They speak about thier culture and show, of another way, a country not very well knowing, it´s history and traditions.

He like me because he has a simple way to make of high quality fimls. I want that Chile has a film director like him, one that develops or shows a more intersting land, with it´s culture. Without coping anywhere and anybody.

jueves, 22 de abril de 2010

To Panguipulli!!!

If I can say some place to enjoy on vacations, that´s Panguipulli. I traveled with my dad to play football against the city hall of there. It´s somewhere in Region de Los Ríos, in the south of Chile. There is Valdivia, one of the more beautifull cities from here (after of Los Andes, of course hahaha). Panguipulli is a little town, and doesn´t have many facilities. There is some store and any supermarket. But, it have hospital, Police´s Center and basics services. However, I think that most have something to fun in family, because there are very green areas that don´t use.
The one thing that help in your economy is the turism. There is some volcanos and a lake with the water more pure arround the world. For this, it most have more facilities that help in the activity.
There, my experience was wonderfull. I had gone twice at south. The travel in bus was a little uncounfortable, but I needed return there one more time. There are some traditional foods, and don´t expensive. The people is very nice, more that I thought. I like go with my mom and Perchan, my cat, because is a real good place to rest.

jueves, 15 de abril de 2010

The Big Earthquake in Pucará

That´s night, I was playing pool with a good friends. I wont walk at home, but one of their sayd that was better travel in a car. Ok, I did. Near of my house, I leaved the car and arrived. I went to the badroom for... you know, and began to move the W.C.
My dad watched a movie and my mom slept. Each time was more stronge, until that we go out. Like we live in a second floor, we down. I crash with the wall, but could did very well. In the first floor, we see a tree. We grab it and pray.
After of the big earthquake, all the neighbords were in the same situation. The scared and distress started in us. But, we get togheter in a garden. The city was in the dark, and we were nervous. My brother arrived in a car to know what happened in my village. Everybody were fine, but I was worried for my grandma. She is 101 years old, and the phones don´t work. So, I thought to go to see.
She´s great. With my brother, we traveled all the city, and everybody were scared, in the streets, trying to find out about your familys. When I came back, we were all night there.
I learned many things, like never walk when offer you travel in a car, hahaha. Also, always to be with my family and, principally, believe in God. He know why do it the things!!

jueves, 8 de abril de 2010

Hi, miss

My name is Pablo Hormazábal Acevedo. I´m 20 years old and I´m from to Los Andes, Fifth Region. I live with my parents and a little cat. I´m Journalism at the University of Chile.
I like play basketball and football, listen to music, principally "cumbia villera"(for that, the name of my blog). My favourite music band is Damas Gratis, an argentine group taht have songs of bigger social topics. They represent me, because I live in a neighbourhood a little dangerous. Life there is dificult, but i don´t shame.

I watch TV, in especial, matches. I don´t smoke and either drink. My favorites teams are Universidad Católica, Chelsea F. C., Trasandino and Liceo Mixto, for which i give my life and my blood. Sometimes, i feel sad. However, some people is very good withme. I ´m funny, friendship and responsible, but i hate the indifference and the disyolalty.

I don´t like read many books, but have some titles very atractives that review, like antropologyze books. And, apart from want to be a good journalist, my wish is become a university teacher and stay to work hear, in the same area.