lunes, 30 de agosto de 2010

Serbia and the gipsies

One of the countries that I would like to know, could be Serbia. Really, I like all the balcans countries, but Serbia has something that I love its culture and traditions.

I like Kusturica movies. He´s a bosnian film director and always he shows his culture, the balcanic traditions. When I watch "The Time of the Gypsies", by him, I loved this place and I began to study about it: their political, education norms, and everything.

I would like to know Serbia, because the gypsy culture was born there. It´s a beautiful land. The buildings are old constructions, all perfect and elegant good.

However, after I know the country, I would like to visit the Danubio river. The gypsies live there, in launchs and tents. Who have much money, can own earths and houses around the river, but, everyone lives in extreme poverty.

In Serbia, I will do anything. Principally, I would like to know Belgrad, their capital. I´ll see a Red Star of Belgrad football match. I´ll buy a serbian -croatian dictionary to learn the language. Then, I would like to go where gypsies live. After, I´ll stay with them, trying of learn their traditions. With my family, we´ll travel through all Serbia!!!

More than work, I would like stay to live and investigate something that I like. In Occident, the people don´t know about their culture. For this reason, I ´ll write a serbian culture book for many people will enjoy with the balcans. And also, I´ll try to learn their music, that´s so funny.

4 comentarios:

  1. Oh...Serbia...
    A country so dismissed by the travel's books, but so full of culture and tradition.
    Good text!

  2. Serbia..... I don't now much this country ! but I think listen something of this place for the Second Mundial war!!!

  3. Like the picture. And good luck with your future book ;)

  4. Tata, good post. I am very tired, sorry for the short comment. A hug!
