jueves, 27 de mayo de 2010

Capital Punishment: so Bad!!

For many people, the Capital Punishment is a great solution to reduce criminality in Chile. But, they are wrong. I think that this "law" is an excuse not to improve good policies and to finish with the problem forever. In fact, everybody has a second opportunity in life. Killing will never be a good way to confront delinquency and crime.
For me, this law doesn´t have pros. Only cons. I think that could create many social problems, like freedom to kill, citizen justice ("eye for an eye") and practices out of the legacy. If one guy wants to destroy another guy, with this law could do that.
More than finding the Capital Punishment in jails and accuseds, the governement should worry about the education of these people and also, to promote the mass and low class rights. They are more vulnerables, because anybody had been able to do something. Like nation, we need more public politics to serve for the comunity.
Also, I think that the origin of the increasing criminality of Chile is something that I sayd: the education. If don´t education politics to improve the quality life and teach us to take advantage of develop our country, the people willn´t know what do with their lifes. The robbers need money to life... If the society doesn´t give oportunities for them, what more he can do?
I had been victim of a crime. One day, I went in Transantiago. There were many people. I traveled listen to music when one guy stole my mp3. Was a pick pocketting. He went out so quick, and I couldn´t to do nothing.

lunes, 24 de mayo de 2010

Christmas Day

Christmas day is a beauty moment to enjoy in family. This day, the Catholic people remember the Jesus Christ birthday. We celebrate on 25th of December all together. We wait many weeks to this time. On 24th of December night, my family and I go to mass. Many people get together the peace and love. At church, that´s feel very good, because the faith help to enrich the spirit.
After, we come back at home to have dinner. At midnight, we open the Christmas presents. Later, my brother visit us. We celebrate for a moment, and then we go to bed. Of this way, I spend it my time.
I do that always, every year. In last time wasn´t exception, because I´m very catholic... I don´t shame say that. The mass started at 8 pm. One hour before, my family and I we got ready to the celebration. The mass during almost two hours, and after we returned at home. My mom prepared meat with tomato´s salad. At midnight, we went to living room to see the Christmas presents. We share with our next-door neighbors and we sleep like at 2 am.
I don´t like do anything. I wont change anything. I like it, just like this. To be with my family is the most wonderfull Christmas present that God give me. One year of life for us is the best... I don´t need anymore.

My DVD recorder

I know that this piece don´t is very technologic, but I liked. I´m spoke of my dear DVD recorder. Is a gray metallic box that reproduce movies and CDs. I got to me five years ago, on winter vacations. I remember when I was to buy in Santiago. My family and I traveled to find modern something and we see that. We bought on hire purchase.

It use is very easy. I push the power button. Go out a thing to put the DVD recorder. I push again the same button and the machine reproduce it. After... Enjoy the movie!!!

I use twice a week, because I like watch good films. Without my DVD recorder, I´m not anything. Is my special toy, because I can to admire wonderfull stories and with high quality. Well, better than in computer. Together, we had a really good time.

My life without it, could be bored. Everybody need our relax time, and my DVD recorder with my movies help to make happy me.

I know that no movies, no DVD recorder. But, is my favorite moment when I´m alone or with people that I love. Also, I like watch movies the most quality posible. In a computer, this don´t happen, because show small things and the vision is tired.

jueves, 6 de mayo de 2010

My best Friend: Juanito

My best friend´s name is Juan Contreras. He lives in the Rene Schneider neighbourhood, one of the most dangerous places from Los Andes. I met him in a camp, three years ago. He´s another friend´s cousin, called Diego Mena, who also came with us. "Juanito", like we call him, is a good friend, modest and I feel pride when he is with me.
Although he is 24 years old and I´m only 20, I consider that Juan is like a big brother, a very important person to my familiy and to me, because he always keeps me company to every place. When I can go out, we get together in a Los Andes square, play footbal or go to the parties. Thanks to him, I had met many people and I had learned about many events that have helped me to grow. Also, the relationship with my parents is amazing, because "Juanito" is a healthy boy: He has everything to be a drug addict, but he isn´t.
The best memory that I have with him is when we met in his neighbourhood at night. We got together with other friends. Rene Schneider is a place that I have always wanted to know, but at daylight. It was a scary moment, because some drug-dealers looked at us. I really liked it, it was excitting. This was the most stupid thing that I have ever done. There were some probems, but, the situation was very funny.
I enjoy with "Juanito", because he is with me in the good and bad moments, like a best friend.